Ad Hoc Committee on Dues & Membership Structure
Admissions Committee
考虑并处理由于分会或地区主任不赞成或不作为而提交给委员会的任何会员申请, per Governing Policy 10.
Audit Committee
对协会的财务事务进行全面的研究,包括与协会的审计员开会. 委员会应向董事会提交报告和任何建议,供董事会批准.
Emerging Technologies Committee
帮助协会成员及时了解可能影响行业的新兴技术, 包括相关的机遇和挑战. 例子包括但不限于物联网(IoT)。, electrification, 电动汽车/相关基础设施, and artificial intelligence.
Executive Committee
Monitor, review and make appropriate recommendations to the full Board of Directors concerning budgets; review and draft proposed changes to the Association’s bylaws and governing policies as required; annually develop and provide to the Board of Directors a three-year strategic plan designed to carry out the mission of the Association; when necessary, 在董事会全体会议之间代表全体董事会行事.
Management Services Committee
Assist in the development, 审核和维护项目,为会员提供提高管理知识的机会, techniques and skills. 就协会的管理教育活动向执行委员会及职员提供意见.
Marketing & Industry Awareness Committee
协助制定和审查计划,为会员提供提高营销知识的机会, 以及销售技巧和技巧. 就本会的市场及销售培训及教育活动,向执行委员会及职员提供意见. 监督协会的行业意识工作,并帮助管理欧洲航空安全局在其他公众面前的代表.
Membership Committee
与员工和分会一起制定计划, develop and maintain an aggressive worldwide membership development and retention campaign; review membership issues and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Nominating Committee
Annually nominate a slate of officers and Executive Committee candidates in accordance with EASA Bylaws; annually consider nominees for the Exceptional Achievement and Service Award.
Remuneration Committee
对总裁和首席执行官进行年度评估,包括薪酬考虑. 主席和首席执行官也可利用该委员会就总部业务提供咨询意见.
Technical Education Committee
协助制定和审查项目,为会员提供培训和教育机会,以提高他们的技术知识, techniques and skills. 就协会的技术培训和教育活动向执行委员会和员工提供意见.
Technical Services Committee
为会员提供技术资源, 在快速技术变革的时代,确保其增长所必需的材料和信息. 提升欧洲航空安全局在市场/行业中的技术形象.
Trade Relations Committee